Parallax Sports - Are Sports Irrelevant Now?

The return and rebirth of an exciting series on the 34 Circe Salon Parallax Channel-- Parallax Sports! In this series we'll drill down deep in the world of sports to examine the trends and changes that are affecting the athletic landscape. In our current episode we ask the question: Are Sports Irrelevant Now? Has the advent of video games, social media and even Covid caused sports to take a backseat in cultural importance? Join us our sports analysts as we debate whether sports have lost their way in the modern world.
The return and rebirth of an exciting series on the 34 Circe Salon Parallax Channel-- Parallax Sports!  In this series we'll drill down deep in the world of sports to examine the trends and changes that are affecting the athletic landscape.  In our current episode we ask the question: Are Sports Irrelevant Now?  Has the advent of video games, social media and even Covid caused sports to take a backseat in cultural importance?  Join us our sports analysts as we debate whether sports have lost their way in the modern world. 
2020 - 34 Circe Media